Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\Shell\NotePad++\Command] @="\"D:\\Program Files (x86)\\npp\\notepad++.exe\" \"%1\""
01 | function createNode( $data = array (), $filepath = NULL) { |
02 | //private function,not necessary to read/copy |
03 | //the |
04 | $node = new stdClass; |
05 | $node ->type = "story" ; |
06 | $node ->nid = 0; |
07 | $node ->uid = 1; |
08 | $node ->status = 1; |
09 | $node ->promote = 1; |
10 | $node ->changed = $node ->created = time(); |
11 | $node ->sticky = 0; |
12 | $node ->format=2; |
13 | $node ->title = 'demo node' ; |
14 | $node ->body = 'demo content' ; |
15 | //$node->taxonomy=array(1,2); |
16 | |
17 | foreach ( $data as $key => $val ) { |
18 | $node -> $key = $val ; |
19 | } |
20 | |
21 | if ( $filepath ) { |
22 | $file =_ufileobj( $filepath ); |
23 | $filearray =_cck_filepre( $file ); |
24 | $node ->field_image[0]= $filearray ; // 文件字段,手工改动 |
25 | } |
26 | node_save( $node ); |
27 | $nid = $node ->nid; |
28 | $node =NULL; |
29 | return $nid ; |
30 | } |
31 |
32 | function _ufileobj( $filepath ) { |
33 | // Create a new file record --object |
34 | //print_r(ufileobj( file_directory_path()."/test/test1.flv" )); |
35 | $file = new stdClass(); |
36 | //$file->fid=NULL;//when upload success , will return |
37 | $file ->list = 1; |
38 | //data igore |
39 | $file ->uid = $uid ; |
40 | $file ->filename = basename ( $filepath ); |
41 | $file ->filepath = $filepath ; |
42 | $file ->filemime = file_get_mimetype( basename ( $filepath )); |
43 | $file -> filesize = filesize ( $filepath ); |
44 | // You can change this to the UID you want |
45 | |
46 | $file ->status = 1; |
47 | $file ->timestamp = time(); |
48 | $file -> new = true; //addition field , seems useless |
49 | |
50 | drupal_write_record( 'files' , $file ); |
51 | // file_set_status($file,1); |
52 | //$node->files[$file_obj->fid] = $file_obj; |
53 | return $file ; |
54 | } |
55 |
56 | function _cck_filepre( $file ) { |
57 | //return file array which suits drupal cck file field |
58 | //$file is the result ofufileobj($filepath); |
59 | $filearray = array (); |
60 | $filearray [fid]= $file ->fid; |
61 | $filearray [ "list" ]=1; |
62 | $filearray [data]= array ( "description" => "" , "alt" => "" , "title" => "" ); |
63 | $filearray [uid]=1; |
64 | $filearray [filename]= $file ->filename; |
65 | $filearray [filepath]= $file ->filepath; |
66 | $filearray [filemime]= $file ->filemime; |
67 | $filearray [ filesize ]= $file -> filesize ; |
68 | $filearray [status]=1; |
69 | $filearray [timestamp]= $file ->timestamp; |
70 | return $filearray ; |
71 | } |
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